Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Platform - Free Write

Jalen Crane

In the middle of the busy highway, stands a platform, where only few people stand. Some are standing still, looking out into the lit roads, or sitting on a bench, occasionally checking their phones. The highway consists of passing cars, a couple speeding by every 3 seconds. The only source of strong light is the line of lamps built facing down onto their heads. A couple are wearing jackets, probably because of the chilly weather. One walks back and forth from the edge of the platform back to the middle, apparently restless. A couple minutes pass of the sounds of the cars, when a faint light can be seen down the train tracks. Some notice it, and walk near the edge of the platform, just before the blue safety marker. Some sitting down stand and follow suit. The light grows larger every second until it splits into two. Its  The rattling of the wheels and tracks grow larger until the vehicle zooms through the platform at a high speed, flashing lights onto the plat from the windows, blowing wind onto the passengers and making the bottom of their coats blow with it. The train starts to slow down after the first car reaches the platform, slowing down more and more until every car is in the station. At this point, almost everyone is standing right in front of the doors, some still waiting at the other side of the platform. The doors open, and several walk out from their ride. After the last person leaves the car, the others begin to file in, taking the seats of those who have just left. After a chime and an automated message said “doors closing”, the doors slide closed. Slowly, with a sudden jump, the train starts moving again, getting faster every second until it speeds out in the same direction it was going in. The other passengers’ coats blow in the wind after the speeding train, as they head towards the exit ramp.

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