Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A principle to keep

In the event of an apocalypse, I think it would be best for everyone to still have some sense of being civil, and retain any sanity left. It is best to not resort to uncivilized way of doing things, which is basically any laws you were taught at a young age, like to stay level headed, act in an orderly fashion and to not harm those who haven't done wrong. It may also let them act in an orderly fashion, and in turn make level-headed decisions that may risk harming others or themselves.  

Saturday, December 13, 2014


I believe Janie was too quick to change ideas and just act on impulse. She doesn't think things through and goes out on a whim. It is potentially dangerous for her, as she doesn't even take in account of any repercussions that could come to her through this decision. She blatantly marries a random person off the street apparently "in love" which I find a bit hard to believe.  Who is he? What kind of person is he? She is oblivious to these kinds of thoughts and goes forward with her actions, which then had a negative effect on her. I would say her lifestyle and the time she lives in may cause her to act this way, like with putting her up to marrying Logan, but at least he had some background and good intentions before she married him, whereas she just meets a person passing through time doing who knows what.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


                   Even the name brings up some interesting thoughts. I didn't know much about him before to be honest, except for some mentions on TV or online. When I first read his short stories however, I thought he would be one of those famous story writers, and I wonder why I haven’t heard of him before. Then again, my memory could just be failing. What I didn’t think about, though, was how influenced his stories was by his real life.
                   Hemingway’s life was, as you would put it, like a somewhat steep hill with a lot of bumps in the road, cutting right through it. He did accomplish many things in life, from writing award-winning stories and his international excursions. However, with those accomplishments he also had some major blows to his life as well. The illnesses he suffered affected him slowly overtime, including serious depression, which also had an impact on his His regular consumption of alcohol did not help his case either, causing some more behavioral problems as well. His character overall wasn’t the best, being somewhat arrogant and conceited. Not to mention having a lot of affairs that made him seem lowly to many others. It starts off having basically said he totally loves them, yet sometimes getting into an argument later on, sometimes violent, and sees another partner yet again. For someone who admits his total love and admiration to someone, he seems to change his view quite quickly.
                   He does however, hold a legacy for his writing style and is one of the most influential writers ever. He was a reputable person, despite what disadvantages he had suffered. His stories have so much in them, so many feelings and thoughts buried under the surface of just those words written on paper. He has a huge part of him in those stories, from his early years to the last, which had been influenced by the many events, including the joyful ones as much as the hardships he endured. Having that in mind, it makes his stories more exciting and interesting to read.

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge? (re-upload)

                   Based on his actions, I would say John Proctor would not be someone who classifies as a stooge, mainly because of his actions, yet hero is also a stretch. A stooge is defined as someone who basically serves as an assistant to something, so they really just follow someone and gets used, much like many of the people in the town. However, regarding how much John stands out as a person of his own, he doesn't seem like a stooge a all. For one thing, he doesn't really believe in witchcraft, at least not as strongly as others, and this makes him have a cooler head than the rest of people who are frightened of this unknown power. Because of this, he can think rationally and tries to get everyone else to do the same and stop jumping to conclusions that people are practicing witchcraft, especially when his wife gets convicted. The one quality that was not very hero-like of him was that he had an affair with Abigail, and kept it secret from said wife, lying to her and said nothing happened. Yet, he knew his mistake and kept his distance from Abigail, even when she was clearly leading him on. He even confesses it later on, which would make him more of a hero to stop some of the feud that's going on. While he was risking what he had, he did not want to tell any lie and wanted to out the truth, and show the love for her and acknowledged his mistakes.He tries his best to be a moral person, despite what he knew was coming to him, and would make him qualify more as a hero than just a simple stooge.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

6 6 Word stories

The doorbell rang, nobody answered it

"Why" he asks, facing the street.

It's totally foolproof, what could happen?

Come back anytime, his last words.

Not your fault, just remember that.

3 in the morning, running fast.

Platform - Free Write

Jalen Crane

In the middle of the busy highway, stands a platform, where only few people stand. Some are standing still, looking out into the lit roads, or sitting on a bench, occasionally checking their phones. The highway consists of passing cars, a couple speeding by every 3 seconds. The only source of strong light is the line of lamps built facing down onto their heads. A couple are wearing jackets, probably because of the chilly weather. One walks back and forth from the edge of the platform back to the middle, apparently restless. A couple minutes pass of the sounds of the cars, when a faint light can be seen down the train tracks. Some notice it, and walk near the edge of the platform, just before the blue safety marker. Some sitting down stand and follow suit. The light grows larger every second until it splits into two. Its  The rattling of the wheels and tracks grow larger until the vehicle zooms through the platform at a high speed, flashing lights onto the plat from the windows, blowing wind onto the passengers and making the bottom of their coats blow with it. The train starts to slow down after the first car reaches the platform, slowing down more and more until every car is in the station. At this point, almost everyone is standing right in front of the doors, some still waiting at the other side of the platform. The doors open, and several walk out from their ride. After the last person leaves the car, the others begin to file in, taking the seats of those who have just left. After a chime and an automated message said “doors closing”, the doors slide closed. Slowly, with a sudden jump, the train starts moving again, getting faster every second until it speeds out in the same direction it was going in. The other passengers’ coats blow in the wind after the speeding train, as they head towards the exit ramp.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello there.

My name is Jalen Crane, and I am 15 years old. For starters, I've been known as a traveler, having moved a lot between states such as Georgia and Virginia. I've accustomed to settling in new schools, and used to meeting new people. Staying in Whitney Young for all of high school would be the longest I've stayed in a single school.

That said, I still live a sheltered life, preferring to stay home rather than go out somewhere. My hobbies are mainly reading and playing video games. I have in interest in designing and programming things, like models, so I have an interest in technical engineering as a career. Yet I also have interests in other things as well, like writing stories or video production. Even cooking! I have an interest in several subjects, and indecisive on what I like best, which is why its so hard to picture me doing in the future.

I am normally a quiet person, and keep to myself a lot of the time. I try more often to be talkative and initiate a conversation, but I still can be awkward at times. I will try to be more social this year, and hope to meet more people along the way.

That's basically the gist of it. Thanks for reading!